Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - January 14

Well... it's official, after 11 1/2 months I am no longer unemployed.  Finally I've acquired a job, and start orientation at my new job today.  Yay? Bitter sweet it is.  I've come to enjoy my peace from procrastination, sewing, thrifting, to not having to be somewhere at a specific time besides at school to pick up my kids (that in itself cuts a day down to almost nothing).  I...
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Monday, January 7, 2013

Thrift Share Monday January 7

Whoa! Time flies when you're doing other things....and nothing at all.   Where did December go? We are already a week into 2013.  Holy Cow! I did very little thrifting last month, I was busy running all around town...or so it seemed.  As I mentioned last month I was accepted to be a part of a 28 day art/craft show, Blue Genie Art Bazaar, where I sold my handmade goods.  That...
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