Monday, November 11, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - November 11, 2013

Yup, I'm back!  Two Thrift Shares in a row.  :-) I'm happy that I've managed to get out to some garage/estate sales.  Even though I don't list as much as I should to sell, it still makes me happy to get out and buy awesome things.  I did managed though to get a few new things listed in my Etsy shop this week.  Some vintage sheet scrap bundles and some vintage goods. ...
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Monday, November 4, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - November 4

It's been long.  Way to long.  I've missed you Thrift Share Monday. Oh how I have wanted to share my finds over the last several months (as sparse as they may have been), but never seem to get to taking pictures and writing a post (guess when you work 6 days a week more sleep happens then anything else).  However, this weekends find led me down memory lane, to almost the beginning of...
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