Friday, January 27, 2012

Upside Down French Braid Bun - By headless instructor.

Don't get me wrong I am gonna so being trying this hair do, but as I was watching the tutorial at one point it looked like a headless body was styling a head that was in front of it.  Watch it, and you tell me if it's just me or do you see what I mean.  :-...
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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Prudent Baby's - Coffee Cake in a Cup

This can't be good.  Really.  This is gonna be real bad. Last night on Facebook I saw Prudent Baby talking about their coffee cake in a cup.  I missed their original posting on this last year, so I clicked to see what they were talking about, and I should not have done that. If I wasn't so paralyzed with laziness last night I would have tried it then, but since I was out of milk for...
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Monday, January 2, 2012

Thrift Share Monday -January 2 .....also my Blog-iversary

Happy Blog-iversary to me!   That's it. One blow of the noise maker, and one handful toss of confetti in the air.  I'm not one to find celebrating stuff for myself is all that important.  Sad...I know. Anywho.... Well I have a couple of items to thrift share that were obtained at an estate sale early December.  Items which will teach me not to take my mom to estate sales...
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