Thursday, June 28, 2012

Make a XXXL Mans T-Shirt into a Summer Dress

I don't know about you, but it seems like all the super cute clothing ideas are for the little ones.  Right? Several weeks ago on Prudent Baby I saw them upcycle a t-shirt into a cute little girls summer dress, pinned here.  Ugh, I want one!  I need summer dresses too.  :-( That's when it struck me.  I've had the intentions of downsizing a man's t-shirt into a fitted woman's...
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Monday, June 25, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - June 25

This week I wasn't in a huge thrifting mood, but the weekend didn't leave me empty handed. I went to two estate sales this weekend, and only one produced goods. Vintage ceramic Christmas tree anyone?  I have one of these, that might have been my grandmas, but I haven't seen them with the little bird lights before.  So freaken cute! Got these Texas Ware melamine dessert plates, cups and...
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Thrift Share Monday- June 18

Where has this month gone?  I wrote this post two weeks ago (a majority of it), and never got around to taking pictures of my finds, then I had intentions of having it ready for the following week but that didn't happen either.  So third times a charm.  This post compiles mostly of finds from two weeks ago, with a few (very few finds) when I was on vacation, along with this weekends...
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