Monday, March 25, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - March 25

Alright this post is going to be short and sweet.  Otherwise it won't get posted. I managed to make it to two small estate/moving sales this weekend, which translates to stuff for sale that they don't want to pack up.  Usually these types of sales don't offer much, however I did manage to squeeze some nice finds out of these two sales. Like this so wonderful, small Fire King Jadite mixing...
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - March 18

Well, to avoid messing up a streak of Thrift Share Mondays, since I did no thrifting this week, I'm going to post on some previous finds I haven't posted about yet. This share will be a bit different because this one will be about a few books I've acquired. I tend to steer away from books because I bought a whole bunch at the beginning of my thrifting ventures, with the thoughts of being able...
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Monday, March 11, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - March 11

I'm on a roll.  Three Thrift Share's in a row!  What a feat....right?  I know I'm bad with keeping to a schedule with everything in my life when it comes to blogging, but I do always have intentions/wants to write more.  The catch 22 with this is that I have to do more to be able to write more, but then if I'm doing more things then I won't have time to write....that is of course...
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Monday, March 4, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - March 4

Yay!  Two consecutive Thrift Share Mondays, how crazy is that?  There was a moment early in this last 6 weeks that I started to mourn estate sales, telling myself I had to face the fact that since I was working every Friday and Saturday morning that estate sales were going to be dead to me.  However, my schedule seems to be a bit different every week, and this Saturday I actually had...
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