Monday, October 31, 2011

Crafty, Thrifty Gypsy - My Halloween costume

Thrifting was non-existent this weekend, but I do have a thrifted, crafty costume to share.  First off a thrifted item from a few weeks back, used for Halloween decor.  This is more than what I would normally want to pay for a small item, but I had a Halloween use for it in mind.  Candle holder from local thrift shop, $2.99.  It's very Charles Dicken-ish....don't you think? ...
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Flops of Halloweens past

Hopefully like most, I have had my fair share of attempting costumes for my kids; most were flops, with a possible triumph. 70's era leopard costume You know you have the vision in your head, but the outcome was not even a shadow of what was envisioned.  Oh well.  Guess in the end the kids were happy with what they got....maybe.   I think my mom had better luck with costumes than...
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Thrift Share Monday October 24

Hi y'all!!  Hope you all had a great weekend with lost of thrifting treasures.   I've managed to score a few. My biggest find... A set of Butterprint Amish Pyrex in excellent condition.  Yup this set was just sitting waiting for me all bundled at a high school fund raisers, at 10 in the morning.  I had a late start, and I'm so surprised it hadn't been snatched up.  I scored...
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Sunday, October 23, 2011


Is it strange that I've been procrasting eating this apple because I don't want to cut into it? This almost perfect line along one side has me in awe.  Silly I know...
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Friday, October 21, 2011

My Fav Friday - Is it big hair?

There are a whole bunch of movies I love; that I will watch over and over again, but two of my utmost all time favorites are ... Labyrinth and Amadeus. The moment I thought up this post I then realized Jareth (David Bowie) and Amadeus have the same hair.  Is this pure coincidence?  Or is it my 80's love of glam-rock hair bands?  Or is it just 80's music, hair, and movies all together? I...
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Best Halloween Decoration Ever!!!

I want to know who l need to bribe, beg, or other unsaid tactics to get this done to my house for Halloween. It is AWE-SOME!!...
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My entry for a label contest

So I've entered my simple logo into a label contest over at Crafterhours. This was something I created a few months back, and boy does it look simple, but it took for-ev-er. I'm happy with it, but have been wondering what to officially do with it, and been contemplating if it's even done yet. Either way it's entered as is. Go check out all the entries and "like" the ones you like. &nb...
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Thrift Share Monday October 17

My thrifting has been minimal the last few weekends, and my post have even been fewer.  Sorry, a lost memory card, and now a faulty computer are working against me.  I'm gonna have to ship my laptop away for repairs, but I'm having a hard time wanting to part with it.  I'll have to arm wrestle my daughter to use hers. I'll be short and sweet with this Thrift Share Monday, and will...
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Friday, October 14, 2011

My fav Friday - Rain lilies

One of my most favorite things is what pops up a few days later after it rains... Rain lilies. These little beauties start to appear around three days after it rains. The amazing thing is that here in central Texas we've been in a severe drought and the Rain Lilies still come up after a rain. You could see here a pretty much dead yard sprinkled with Rain Lilies.  I took these...
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Generation youtube" on 20/20

Did any of you see this episode "Generation YouTube" on 20/20 a few weeks back?  It's about how YouTube has changed the lives of many.  How uploading videos has brought regular everyday people to make a six figure income.  Yup!  You heard me a six-figure-income.  Ugh!!! I was drawn to this episode. I loved it for the sake on how a regular everyday person can be...
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Star fruit vintage sheet pillow

OMG!! I'm having camera and computer issues over here.  I've missed the last two Thrift Share Monday's due to losing my cameras memory card and now my laptop is not reading my new memory card.  UGH!!!  So for now I'll attempt a post taking pictures with my phone.  Blah! There is this tutorial that has been on my to-do list for months now.  It initially landed on my list as...
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Friday, October 7, 2011

Where, oh where, can my memory card be?

I'm still body but not in spirit sewing. I've been soo good in not getting anything done lately.  Well I've had some work work I've been working on at home in the evenings so that's kinda put a kink in my sewing time,  and last weekend my camera memory card just disappeared.  No where to be found.  I can't image where it's gone.  I've spent a good amount of time two evenings roaming around the house saying "Here memory card. Come out come out where ever you are". Nah...
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