Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Vintage Sheet Bunting

I'm, getting some sewing done.  My craft area had been a complete disaster, but now there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I still got a bit of a mess of items/junk I don't know what to do with, but my vintage sheets are all nice an organized, I can access my sewing machine, and I now have a permanent cutting table in my room. Yay, to no longer cutting on the floor. I...
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - March 26

Boring estate sales this weekend, and really blah garage sales, but I have some small finds from the thrift stores.  The Goodwill surprised me this week (and it very RARELY does).  I almost passed this (well I did several times) since it was on a top shelf (I'm bad with not looking up).  What a super cute Anchor Hocking retro pitcher.  Love it! Since I'm mentioning Goodwill...
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Friday, March 23, 2012

Giveaway Winners!

Happy Friday! Got some winners to announce for my Etsy Shop Anniversary giveaway. Picked via my two winners are lynaeve and Sunni from Love Affair with my Brother. Congratulations!  I'll be emailing you soon, so check out my shop to see what item you would like to pick.  Choices are a handmade purse, an apron, or a 10 pack bundle of vintage sheet fat...
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crafting Voodoo?

A little over a week ago while thrifting I was browsing the crafting section, and spotted this.... I thought to myself "What The!  What is this doing in the crafting section?" Then I laughed to myself.  Ha!  Craft.  I guess practicing Voodoo could be considered a craft to some.  However, that's not a craft I'd want to partake in,  maybe witchcraft, but not voodoo. ...
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Monday, March 19, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - March 19

I currently have a Etsy shop giveaway ending March 22.  Click here for more info. Sheesh!  It seems like forever since I've done any garage sale hopping.  I've tended to stick to estate sales and thrift stores, mainly due to the lack of good garage sales.  I don't clothes dive, I don't have the patience to sort through clothes, pretty much at any venue, and it seemed like most...
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Friday, March 16, 2012

My Etsy Anniversary, and Giveaway.

This giveaway has ended So this week is my 1 year Etsy shop anniversary.  I will admit I didn't think I would stick with it this long.  Wow, where did the year go? Rainbow 6 pack fat quarter bundle In my year I think I've sold a "good" amount of items.  Not enough to make a living out of it, but in a way enough to encourage my thrifting habit.  I've learned, somewhat, what...
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Monday, March 12, 2012

Thrift Share Monday- March 12

This week it appears I went way off the beaten path, as in I've made some thrifted purchases that are not my norm....and one well...I don't think is a frequent thrifted norm in general. Last weekend at a monthly market I had seen an old vintage ironing table, wooden top with thin metal legs for $30.  I had debated about asking to lower the price, but even at a lowered price it wasn't something...
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Looking for a Niche

I'm all over the place with my ideas, and wants.  Sometimes you hear that you need to focus on one thing and just go with it, but according to a fabulous blog and book I'm gonna do what I want.  At least for now. The blog/book I'm referencing is Austin Kleon, and his brand spanking new book is "How to Steal Like an Artist".  I absolutely love it.  It is based on a blog post of...
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