Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thrift Share Tuesday- September 25

Sorry for the delay.  My old, old (9 years old) camera  decided it didn't want to share it's pictures anymore, and wouldn't download, so I had to run out and buy a new one this morning.  It's really about time, I've been struggling too long with my last two cameras, since my 4 year old camera went kaput sometime last year.  It worked, but didn't work.  So yay, I'm excited...
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Half A$$ Refinishing

Hi...yup I half a$$ed a project.  Gasp! Super shock I know.  It's a surprise I even got a project done.  So, I've purchased a few less than great condition vintage items lately, but the items themselves are great.  Sometimes you have to look past the dirt, rust, just overall condition.  I've super cleaned some very bad looking Pyrex before with Easy Off Oven cleaner (shhh...
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - September 17

This last week I told myself I wasn't gonna go vintage hunting since I bought and spent sooo much last week.  I even refused to look up estate sales so I wouldn't be tempted,  however when vintage is placed right under your nose and is in your backyard (almost literally) it's hard to pass up. Thursday there was an estate sale on the block right behind my house, and it was hard to ignore...
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Meet Ralph - My daughters messenger bag

So a few weeks (maybe 6 weeks....yikes) back I posted on Facebook a drawing of a messenger bag that my daughter wanted me to make.   Well, as I predicted I would procrastinate, and during that procrastination her creation evolved (too much Pokemon, I guess), and became this, via her laptop paint software. and then this. Oh no!   *Note to self - Work as fast as you can based...
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thrift Share September 10 ...Continues

Yesterday I started off with some of my thrifted finds from last week.  Like I said I bought a LOT of stuff.  So instead of overloading you with a never ending post I decided to split it up into two....or maybe three.  Lets see. Ok...where to begin.  Oh!  I want to cry on your shoulder first, and share with you what I had to leave behind at a fourth stop.  I went to...
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - September 10

Ugh...Barf!  I was bad this weekend.  Like real real bad. I bought too much....like a lot, a lot.  Why is that bad?  Well, because I'm very very slow at listing things on Etsy. I don't know how I'm gonna do this post.  I may have to break it down into several post...even though I know I could be notorious for having long posts.   I'm just gonna start and see how...
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