Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hell!  Time is flying! Quick update. It's been roughly 8 1/2 days since I received an email from a local, fellow Esty shop, Hannah Stoney, asking if I would like to participate in an Art, Craft and Vintage fair, here in Austin, on the Drag...in two weeks (now 5 days from today).  Check out her Esty shop...I love her paper cut-outs.  This shadow box is amazing.  I don't know...
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Lovely Pincushion by Spincushions

A quick thank you before I forget. The Sew Weekly has been having (the month of April) 30 Days of Pincushions giveaway, and the first week of April I won one.  Yay! It arrived over the weekend, all the way from Australia, and it is fantastic!  It's a great size, much large than I thought. So I would like to thank the lovely Esty shop Spincushions for the gorgeous...
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Running Backwards or Running in Place.

Oh my! I've been busy, busy making items for this Sundays May Day: Art, Craft and Vintage Fair. I've been non-stop and feel like I haven't got much accomplished.  I feel like I'm either running backwards or running in place...going the wrong direction and/or getting nowhere, but at the same time I've made more in this last week than I've ever made before. My goal when I started this blog...
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Monday, April 18, 2011


Excuse me.  Didn't mean to gross you out, but I got a barf worthy situation. Remember last month when I wrote a reallllly long post about wanting to sell?  (Thank you to all who took the time to read it.)  Well that post led me to open an Etsy shop about 6 days later.  Now one month later I get a message on Etsy.  It's from a local Etsy shop who is curating a show in two...
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thrifting Fool

What a Saturday!  This kids are out of town visiting their grandparents .  So that means I get to run around town. I should of slept in, but really how could I?  Especially since there was a craft show up North.  The first 30 people got a goody bag, so of course I wanted to get there early to score some goodies. And why waste a perfectly great morning drive to the other side of...
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thrifty finds

I'm having sooo much fun thrifting and garage sale-ing. This all started with the thought in mind that I'm gonna sell the thrifted stuff I find, but that's almost impossible to do.  I'm not finding tons of stuff, I guess I'm still buying as a regular consumer would buy... for them self.  But hey for a few dollars here and there I'll buy for myself all day long. Check out all this stuff. ...
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More vintage sheet coin purses

Who's gonna get tired of these vintage sheet creations? Sorry I don't think I'm close to being tired of them yet.  I'm still obsessing over them and visiting the thrift stores, like every third day if not every other day in search of them. Someone, please I need help.  Haha just kidding I might bite your arm off if you try to intervene....so stay back.  :-) So as you may know I was...
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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clutch and Crate

Whoo hoo!  I actually feel like I've done something, out of almost two weeks of feeling like I've done nothing.  Check out this soo cute "Grab and Go Clutch" by ithinksew.  I bought this pattern back in February and attempted it once, and completely bombed it.  As always it was a user error.  I did soo many wrong things, like using heavy interfacing on a heavy fabric, and...
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm behind.

OMG!  I have no idea what I've done the last week.  No big accomplishments...not even a whole bunch of small ones.  Sewing wise I've been almost non-productive.  I've managed to complete a few of my folded coin purses and have posted them up on Esty.  I don't know why I haven't completed more.  Ugh!  Oh well!  I'll slowly get more listed in the next week or...
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sleepy Sunday

Oh no!  I've been so non-productive the last several days.  I did manage to work on the small project for my sisters birthday last night.  She thought it was hilarious.  I used it as a gift certificate holder/envelope. I got the tutorial from iAshley.  It's such a cute idea.... especially since my sister is mentally stuck in the 80's....wanting a mixed tape an all. LOL! Other...
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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vintage Sheet Fat Quarter Winner

Wow!  Where has this week gone?  It's flown by.  Between a business dinner, my daughters talent show, and a concert (acoustic Chris Cornell.  He was amazing!), I've had virtually no time to sew the last few days.  I definitely feel that huge weight of "you've forgotten to do something" on my shoulders.  Yeah I've forgotten to sew.   There's a project I'm needing...
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