Thursday, October 25, 2012

What I've been up to

Ok....I've been meaning to do an actual sewing related post for awhile now.  Hello, my blog name is Sleeping or Sewing, so where has all the sewing gone? I do sew, I am sewing, I guess I don't want to bore you with the same ole items that I've been sewing.  However, I have a new item I made recently, and I really love how quick it was to make.  I shouldn't be surprised though, I've...
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Monday, October 15, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - October 15

Let's jump right into my finds. Got some super bright red vintage suit cases at the thrift store... and these awesome roly poly glasses with caddy, minus one glass, but whose counting.  At $3 I can wait until that 6th glass magically appears somewhere... someday. Had a Thursday estate sale that I went back to on Friday, and Saturday.  Here are my finds from this home. A vintage...
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - October 8 - Round Top, Tx

Who know where last week went, because it flew by.  I went to my regular thrift store maybe twice, with nothing to show from it.  However, we had plans for the end of the week.  Fridays destination...Round Top, Texas. It's been a few years since I've been out to Round Top.  Last time I went with my two kids, and dragged them around in a wagon (some areas have gavel).  Those...
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Super Crazy Bead Score!

Holy Cow!!!!  I scored the mother load of beads.  I might have previously, briefly mentioned that I'm a member of an awesome group/team called Craft Riot (as of January this year).  It's a super awesome team of crafters/artist who give tips and tricks of the trade.  From ups and downs through the learning processes of being a handmade entrepreneur, to keeping you in the know...
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Monday, October 1, 2012

Thrift Share Monday - October 1

Lets bring it.  It's the 1st of October, the holiday seasons are upon us.  This is the part of the roller coaster where you're at the top of the tallest peak looking down (or shutting your eyes) and it speeds it's way to the end of the year, and along the way you pass Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and for me five birthdays.  Eeek! As with everything I procrastinate, and wait...
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