Monday, January 31, 2011

Great whipstitch video

Check out this great video on Whipstitching. When hand stitching I've always have the tail of my thread on the out side of the project so when I saw this video and saw that the beginning tail and end thread tail were hidden inside of the pillow/project I was in awe. I'm in the learning phase of soo many sewing related things.  Even though I've sewn on and off for years;  It's one of those things that you teach yourself and you do it the way you've always done it, but then you see someone...
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Goodie Bags

Between my daughter and son they have had, collectively, a total of 18 birthdays, which translates to 18 parties (OMG that's a lot!). Early on I always wanted goodie bags that were jam packed with little toys.   Of course as the years go by and other birthday parties are attended you come to see that the "goodie" toys just end up all over the place unused.  I don't know when I...
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Feather pen

One of my all-time favorite movies is Amadeus.  I LOVE IT!!!  So when I saw Prudent Baby's feather pen that was the first thing I thought of....Wolfie in Amadeus.  I pictured him sitting at his pool table working on his composition, using a feather pen.  Oh how... peaceful and elegant looking they are.  Sigh. This project wasn't on my to do list but while roaming Hobby...
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Foldy coin purse

So there was this coin purse I saw online the other day, mentioned in a blog on Sew, Mama, Sew! It was  made  from a Japanese craft kit.  The second I saw this coin purse I yelled in my head "This is what I've been looking for!!".  Seriously I have spent a lot of time looking for a foldy little coin purse like this, but have not found anything even close to it. ...
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Vintage Style Apron - My first attempt at sewing an apron

Woohoo!  Got my large project completed.  Yes large.  I know this might be easy peasy stuff compared to some of the intricately detailed quilts and dresses that are made out there in hand-made land, but for me this was a lot. I was inspired by a few different blogs when I decided I wanted to make a full apron.  First by A.J.A at "Doing What Comes Naturally in Western N.C." when...
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Test pillows & What a difference a stitch makes

This weekend while working on a larger project (coming soon) I also worked on smaller projects for instant gratification (i.e. the Minky eye mask... love it!).  I also messed around with different shaped pin cushions or mini pillows.   Now thinking about the pin cushions and playing around with the shapes and fabrics of them could be a great way to determine if you want to make a pillow...
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Minky Eye Mask

Why did I not know about this stuff before?!  Not eye masks...minky.  Minky is the most super, softest stuff ever!  For Christmas I made eye masks for my sisters, and since I was using materials I already had I ended up using fleece, which at the time seemed really soft and comfy. So as I was roaming Hobby Lobby the other day I recognized the fabric from the tutorial I previously...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fingerless Arm Warmers/Gloves

sIt's cold what does that mean?  It's colder inside.  I'm mostly referring to my office.  In the summer I'm ususally cold when the AC is on.  I'll normally sport a light jacket or hoodie during the summer while at work.  So if it's cold at my office in the summer why would I expect it to be any less cold in the winter?   And unfortunately it's colder. ...
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Sunday, January 9, 2011


It's gonna be cold this week so I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and wear a beanie.  I am so not a hat person.  Aside from maybe the occasional head band I don't like things on my head.  No baseball caps, sun visors, no cowboy hats..well their has been the occasional witches hat.  You know how the saying goes, "If the shoe fits...". So I got a new toy back in October and...
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pleated Tote

Yes!  I didn't let my allergies hold me down today.  I'll admit it was tough, but I made it through the day, and I managed to make a tote (an allergy medicine induced nap was snuck in, but it was much needed).  The tote is super cute; a free pleated tote pattern courtesy of Artsy Crafty Babe, thank you.    There was some minimal issues I came across, on my...
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

First project of the year

My new year started with a new project from a pattern I purchased from Gingercake.  It's the "On The Go Organizer". My purse is such a mess; I carelessly throw notes and receipts into my purse.  They all get crumpled and torn and my purse starts to look like an office trash bin to the point where I have a hard time finding my keys and phone among the mess.  The trash receptical that...
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