Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tooth Fairy Castle Pillow with Drawbridge Tooth Pocket

Original unfinished pillow. At Sew, Mama, Sew!  it was February pillow month , and I had great expectations to create a pillow or two and enter their contest, but that did not happened.  However, I did create a bolster pillow made out my daughter's outgrown pajama pants. Anyways,  daily I've checked out Sew, Mama, Sew! to see the pillow creations and tutorials.  One day they...
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's amazing where a little blog can travel to.

Wow!  It's amazing where a little blog can travel to. See?  I'm listed on their blog.  Wow! The last couple of days I've noticed that I was getting quiet a bit of traffic on my blog from France.  Hmmm?  It's been crazy to see that I would get an occasional view here and there from different counties to begin with, but to see about 30 views from France in the last few days...
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Question about Vintage Fabric.

So as I mentioned in an earlier post, last week, I've been working on this purse (It's taken me this long because I always tend to have issues with the bottom thread tangling up when sewing at the handles and just along the rim of the purse).  The pattern is from Artsy-Crafty Babe, and the exterior fabric is from a garage sale.  I love this pattern, I love the exterior fabric as well, but...
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Giveaway Winner

It's time to announce the winner of my very first giveaway of this super cute Moda fabric!  Drum roll please! Congratulations to Liz!  I will be emailing you for your mailing address.   Thank you all, followers, non-followers, and passerby's  for stopping by and taking a look at my little spot in blogland.  All the blogs I have been following are oh so inspiring,...
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pajama Pants Drawstring Bolster Pillow

So as I have other sewing projects lying around in my room I, of course, decide to start a third. Salvaged, from garage sale death, pajama pants. About a week ago my daughter comes to me wearing her, too snug, pajamas asking if she can put them in the garage sale bag.  Sigh.  They are such cute pajamas. I didn't want to get rid of them and see them sell for $1 in our next garage sale. ...
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

1/2 yard of Moda "It's a Hoot" Fabric Giveaway Reminder.

Hello to all the passerby's of my little blog. **This giveaway has ended** Just a reminder I have a 1/2 yard of some yummy Moda fabric I'm giving away.  All you need to do to enter is leave a comment on the original post, here. Please don't be shy.  It would be nice to hear from you all, near and far.  What projects are you currently working on?  I'm currently in the middle...
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Very little being accomplished. How about you?

Wow!  I feel like I haven't accomplished much the last couple of days... probably because I haven't (I must have been sleeping). I did, however, add the final stitches (literally) to a skirt I made my daughter.  This is one of those projects that is almost done, and for what ever reason haven't gotten around to finishing it.  The whole skirt was done, but the skirt hung on the back...
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Moda Fabric Giveaway!

**This giveaway has ended** You know what?  Since I love giveaways so much I want to give something away. It was such a nice feeling receiving something I simply commented on; so  I've decided that I want to pass along that great feeling to you.  In the spirit of giving, and the want of Spring to be here, now, and I guess since tomorrow is Valentines Day;  I want to spread the...
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Look what I won!!

Yay!  I won some I-Spy squares from Obsessively Stitching last week and I just got them in the mail yesterday.  I'm even more excited now that I received them. Even though I've sown on and off for years I've never done it as concentrated as I have now, within the last two-three months.  I've learned so much and there are countless things out there that I still haven't tried. ...
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's Officially Over. I'm done.

It's over this time.  Done.  Really.  Prudent Baby's Sewing Machine Double Down Contest has officially closed for entries as of last night, and all I can do is wait. A last minute entry was created.  I had seven hours to spare (5-12), after work the last day of the contest, and I used up about 6 of them sewing, taking pictures and sending off the email.  Whew! During the...
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Potholder Entries

Well it's done... almost.  I've submitted my entries and all I can do is wait.  I created four potholders for Prudent Baby's sewing machine double down.  There's about 48 hours left so I may make some more.  The four are all unique in their own way...well based on what I've personally seen during my potholder research.  Yes, they all have something in common, they are potholders...duh,...
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