Sunday, December 15, 2013

Giveaway Day Winners December 2013

What a week!  Thank you to all who entered my giveaways, and hello to all the new and long time readers.  I enjoyed reading your comments.  So now what you've all been waiting for.  The winners of the two giveaways, selected via are....  For the vintage sheet bundle comment number 9. AlidaP you've won the vintage sheet fat quarter bundle.  The winner...
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Monday, December 9, 2013

Giveaway Day December 9 2013 Part 2

Alright here is part 2 of my giveaway, see part 1 here. I'll say the run down once again. Sew, Mama Sew's giveaway day is here again.  A week where bloggers and shops can gather to one location and have a giveaway hop. Sew, Mama, Sew! has broken down on how you can go to giveaways that appeal to you.  If you're interested in handmade/finished product giveaways, or supplies.  Just...
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Giveaway Day December 9 2013 Part 1

It's time!  It's time!  Sew, Mama Sew's giveaway day is here again.  A week where bloggers and shops can gather to one location and have a giveaway hop. Sew, Mama, Sew! has broken down on how you can go to giveaways that appeal to you.  If you're interested in handmade/finished product giveaways, or supplies.  Just hop on over to Sew, Mama, Sew! to see the list of all the...
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - November 11, 2013

Yup, I'm back!  Two Thrift Shares in a row.  :-) I'm happy that I've managed to get out to some garage/estate sales.  Even though I don't list as much as I should to sell, it still makes me happy to get out and buy awesome things.  I did managed though to get a few new things listed in my Etsy shop this week.  Some vintage sheet scrap bundles and some vintage goods. ...
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Monday, November 4, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - November 4

It's been long.  Way to long.  I've missed you Thrift Share Monday. Oh how I have wanted to share my finds over the last several months (as sparse as they may have been), but never seem to get to taking pictures and writing a post (guess when you work 6 days a week more sleep happens then anything else).  However, this weekends find led me down memory lane, to almost the beginning of...
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Monday, July 29, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - July 29

A lovely reader (Quilting Fiesta) is giving away one of my headbands on her blog this week.  Enter here. I've had some pretty good vintage luck the last two weekends at some estate sales.   Where I've managed to get some of my favorite type of vintage goods. I'm obsessed, possibly, with snack sets.  I think they are the cutest things ever.  Which is really weird since...
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Monday, July 15, 2013

Thrift Share Monday - July 15

(I'm having a giveaway on another post, head on over after this post)   Yup! I'm writing a Thrift Share Post after almost 3 months of no Thrift Shares.  My last attempt at a Thrift Share post was in May.  I lost most of my pictures transferring them from my camera to my computer...and that was it.  I had the whole post written, with only 1/4 of the pictures for it.  I...
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Sunday, July 14, 2013


It's time for a..... giveaway!  Why?  Because it's been so long since I've had one, and also because since I've picked up my sewing machines from being serviced I've been sewing with no issue.  So, I'm happy.  My finicky "Brother" has been sewing gorgeously.  As of now I've been sewing mostly headbands for next months Austin Craft Riot Summer Show, and my "Brother" has...
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Meet my machines

Hi! I'm excited.  Really!  After fighting with my "Brother" last year...and some the year before I decided I needed an overhaul.  It's been a debate many times if I should just have my "Brother" examined, and fixed, but every time I thought this it then led me to thinking about getting a new one.  "Might as well buy a new Brother since this one was only $130, and servicing...
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