Monday, August 29, 2011

Thrift Share Monday's - August 29

Got some small finds this weekend, and I mean small by small in size. I'm sooo happy I finally was able to score some sheets this week after about a two week lull.  Yay! pillow cases One of my small finds was this small bowl.  Not too sure if it's for a candle or maybe salt.  Do any of you know?  The cashier at the estate sale said it was silk glass, but isn't that a form...
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

PSA - Zipper Feet do NOT have protection.

Do any of you know what I am talking about before I go into detail? Well.... my sewing machine got me.  Or should I blame it on I should have been sleeping instead of sewing?  Like I tell my kids "if you weren't doing that then that would not have happened!".  This saying usually follows my 3rd, 4th and/or 5th time telling them to stop doing something before one of them gets hurt....
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Monday, August 22, 2011

Thrift Share Monday's - August 22

What a weekend.  With the kids back-to-school today my weekend was sprinkled with back-to-school shopping with a dash of thrifting.  Good thing estate sales started early this weekend.  There were two that started on Thursday that were within my usual driving route, so I got my thrifting on early.  I was excited to see this estate sale open early, usually they start around 9...
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

A new shop love

Now I know many of you have been on this horse already, but the penny pincher in me couldn't get pass the cost of shipping.  A pet peeve of mine is the cost of shipping on anything that I order, and with fabric purchases it's a big one. What am I talking about, or more like whom am I talking about?  Well the wonderfully lovely Fat Quarter Shop. I first ran into their fabric site November...
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Friday, August 19, 2011

My Fav Friday

Hmmm... I've been debating on doing a weekly blog on my favorite things.  I know I have a few absolute staples in my life that I always want; like beverages, maybe a snack, and other weird silly life pleasing things.  So I'll start it today and see if I stick with it. I'll start off with a daily beverage that I absolutely love love LOVE. Chocolate Milk. I've drank chocolate milk almost...
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thrift Share Monday's opps Tuesday- August 16

Hmmmm....  I'm not too thrilled with this thrift share.  My finds were small, but on the cheap.  Where were the sheets this past week!!!  I want some lovely Vintage sheets....Oh sheet fairy where are you?  I'm over here. Friday there was a garage sale down the street from my house so I made a quick stop so that I not later than usual to work.  I grab some sparkle-y ...
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vintage sheet request

Just the other day I received an email from one of my lovely readers (Hi).  She was inquiring about the vintage sheets I had listed on Etsy, and if all that I had were listed.  Ashamed to say, I do not have all my sheets listed on Etsy.  I've fallen behind on my listings, and in June and July quite a few of my listing expired, which I haven't re-listed. My photography at times (more...
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vintage sheet quilt update

I'm still working on my vintage sheet quilt, however you wouldn't be able to tell by my pictures that there has been much progress. Now up to 88 strips of nine 2" squares, which will eventually turn into 9 x 9 blocks.  A total of 81 2" squares per block.  A total of 126 strips will be needed for the pattern I have in mind.  So that's only 38 strips to go, or 342 2" squares to go. ...
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Thrift Share Monday's - August 8

Miss my lack of thrifting last week?  My thrift fairy was nowhere in sight last week, or I may have over looked her since I was completely enthralled with this project, testing out a dress pattern.  I did go out to a few garage sales, but pickings were slim. This weeks pickings were looking pretty sad too, but some vintage sheet action aways makes up for it.  I scored some great ones,...
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Testing a pattern

Hmmmmm..... So I'm being a bit adventurous and have a wild hair thought.  My sister is getting married in November, and I need a dress to wear.  Ugh!!! My closet consist of t-shirts and jeans, and an old work wardrobe of items that no longer fit or I don't think I would wear again (but I refuse to get rid of it because what if I one day I need professional (haha) office attire that is...
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